
Did you know your unused toners can print money?

Well, sort of. Give those unused cartridges to Toner Connect and turn them into cash. And we save you more than just money...


Save for the future

There's no use crying over spilt ink: cash-in unused toner cartridges with Toner Connect and create a new revenue stream you can put towards something else.


Save storage space

Reclaim your office: instead of holding onto unwanted stock that's gathering dust, free up some shelving for the office supplies that your office team WILL use.


Save on overheads

Look forward to real savings that you can count on: there's up to $300 to make by selling each unused toner. That's some triple figure value-for-money right there.

Save the planet

Do your bit for the environment: make sure that those cartridges that still have something to give end up in the hands of people who need them, instead of in landfill.

Over 7,000
businesses helped

Over 100,000
toners bought

Over $11 million
in payouts

Under two hour
response time

Get in touch

How you do it is up to you. Call, upload pictures or send a list of what you want to sell.

Get a deal

You'll be hearing back from us within two hours with an offer. We like to work fast!

Get paid

We pay you before you send your cartridges, to make things 100% hassle and risk free.